Every young and old operator list

Publish date: 2024-06-24

Rainbow Six Siege fans like the game for more than just the intricate gameplay. The game also features a large roster of operators, each with their own set of skills and duties.

The Rainbow Six Siege community, on the other hand, adores these operators for reasons other than their in-game abilities. The series’ rich backstory is a big selling point for many fans. Each game provides more information about the complicated operators who make up the game’s roster.

On Ubisoft’s official site and elsewhere, you may discover a lot about each operator’s background and conduct. This involves determining the height and age of each operator. In case you’re heading to a Rainbow Six Siege trivia night in the near future, here’s everything you need to know about the ages of the operators.

Rainbow Six Siege Operators : Every young and old operator list

Who is the youngest operator in Rainbow Six Siege?

Mute, who is 25 years old, is the newest Rainbow Six Siege operator.

It’s no surprise that Rainbow Six Siege’s acclaimed operator roster is devoid of teenagers. The majority of Rainbow Six Siege operators come from a prestigious background. They were chosen for the Six because of their vast experience and impressive backgrounds.

Mark “Mute” Chandar was one of the University of Cambridge’s youngest ever students. He studied electronics and computer engineering with a specialisation on security systems. His inventiveness drew the notice of the Government Communications Headquarters in Britain, and he was sent to the signals intelligence team as an intelligence officer.

Also Read: Rainbow Six Siege Mobile: Release date, weapons, and other details

“Given his background in information security, Chandar understands secrecy and seems uncomfortable with expressing himself or with personal questions,” Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow, said. “In his field, and here at Rainbow, information is a critical — life and death — commodity. So of course, I respect this but only up to a limit. I had to find another way in and we managed to find common ground in discussing history, of all things!”

Who is the oldest operator in Rainbow Six Siege? 

R6’s oldest operator is Zero. He is a 63-year-old man.

He is obsessed with information. His Argus Launcher contains special cameras that embed themselves in breakable and fortified materials, allowing him to monitor a wide range of angles. Zero’s strength is spying on the rival team, but the cameras have a single laser shot that can destroy the enemy’s setup.

Samuel “Zero” Fisher was born and raised by his grandmother in Maryland. He attended a military boarding school before enrolling at the United States Naval Academy, where he studied Political Science. Zero earned a reputation for his tenacity while serving all across the world.

Said Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow: “Fisher is very much a solo operator, though he possesses a sense of duty to his colleagues and teammates and shows his affection through action. I’m hoping to draw him out of his shell and show him the benefits of working with the R6 Program. Based on his background as an instructor I feel he’ll appreciate more than the resources we can offer him, but also gain some satisfaction in the influence he’ll have on the R6 Program, and his teammates.”

How old are the Rainbow Six Siege operators? 

You’re in luck if you’re looking for more Rainbow Six Siege operator ages. Except for Nkk, every age is stated on Ubisoft’s official website. She is a highly secrecy-oriented operator who has remained a mystery.

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